We're Expecting You
Everyone is welcome at the Lord's table
Visitors are always welcome at Mountain of Faith. Sunday school for adults starts at 9:00 and children (Kids Fun Zone) starts at 10:00. Sunday worship begins at 10:00 AM. You can expect to find most people dressed very casually – jeans are not uncommon and in the summertime, some folks are comfortable wearing shorts. Our music is upbeat and easy to sing. Do not expect to be singled out as a visitor. We won’t embarrass you or ask you to “tell us about yourself.”
But you can expect the folks around you to greet you warmly and talk to you. If you are interested in what to expect during our worship service, click below.
When you come...
Our worship style is liturgical, which simply means we follow a similar pattern each week. The congregation is active during worship – saying prayers, singing and participating in the Lord’s Supper. Worship begins with an opening welcome and prayer requests. The service continues with a general confession and forgiveness of sin. An opening song follows and then a prayer of the day.
Scripture reading comes next. We generally read a passage from the Old Testament, a psalm, a passage from the New Testament and end with a Gospel Reading from either Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. After the appointed readings comes the sermon. Pastor Traci typically preaches for 15-20 minutes depending on the topic.
Following the sermon, the congregation sings another song and it is followed by a general confession of faith – either the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed. The congregation then greets one another, sharing the “peace of the Lord.” Immediately after this greeting, the children come forward for a brief children’s sermon
Worship continues with an offering. The ministry of Mountain of Faith is made possible only through the generous support of our family of faith. Visitors and newcomers are not expected to give.
The high point of our worship service is the Lord’s Supper (Communion). We celebrate it every week and it is open to all. It is not necessary to be a member of our congregation to receive the Lord’s Supper. Everyone is welcome at the Lord’s Table.
We do Communion by “dipping.” The wafer or bread given by the Pastor is dipped in either the wine chalice or a chalice with grape juice if that is your preference. Singing continues as the whole congregation partakes in the Lord’s Supper.
The service concludes with a blessing, another prayer, announcements and a final blessing. The congregation sings one last song and is dismissed into the mission field. The entire worship time runs between 60 and 70 minutes. Coffee and snacks for everyone are served immediately after worship, downstairs in the fellowship hall
Please visit us at your convenience. We will be blessed by your presence. If you have any questions about our worship service or our church, please use the “Who We Are” page to drop us an email. We will get back to you as soon as possible.